How quickly life can change. As both France and Switzerland closed their schools this week for the foreseeable future, many of us in Europe entered the world of working from home and homeschooling.

I'm thankful they've decided to take these measures.

So what can we do to stay well and manage the uncertainty, chaos and anxiety surrounding the unknown path ahead? Actually aside from washing our hands, actually I feel there really is quite a lot. I recorded this 3 step simple plan to start.

3 step plan:

1. Breathe WELL - through your nose and ensure your tummy moves. Do this x3, every 30 minutes. This not only ensures you have a good breathing pattern, but it also helps manage anxiety. In my previous life, I like every other British trained physical therapist spent their time on the respiratory wards and intensive care. Every single one of those patients had to be taught to breathe well. Imagine if we could ensure everyone around us to breathe well NOW. How that might not only prevent you struggling in the first place, but make the severity of the symptoms should they occur a little bit lighter. Perhaps even prevent a hospital admission. .

2. Get plenty of fresh air and vitamin D. (I said C in the video, sorry to confuse! Though C is super important too, you just don’t get any of that from the sun! #doneisbetterthanperfect at the moment to get this information out. It’s actually a great business and sanity tip too! )

3. Stay hopeful, empowered, informed and considerate. We all know declining into a hot mess doesn’t serve anyone (though I’m sure most parents around here have had their moments over the last week. I may have had a minor meltdown for an hour or two too!) Deep breaths and into crisis management mode.

You have my full permission to share this blog. It’s my mission to teach the world to breathe well right now.

A range of special services are being offered through this phase, from online physiotherapy consultations, one off virtual health, life and anxiety management coaching sessions at special rates and online coaching workshops and yoga / pilates classes coming very soon.

Simply reach out via e-mail for more information on any of these services as our availability and offers have changed so quickly that our website hasn’t quite caught up!

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