Strategies to optimise your immune system

With so many questions from worried patients, clients, those in our community, friends and family this week I ran a content packed free training about the absolute priorities to breathe well and stay well through this chaos and uncertain time and I thought you might like to see it too.

Here's what the video training covered: 

1. Breathing techniques to maintain a healthy respiratory system.

I can’t emphasise how important this is. If we don’t know what ‘normal’ is, how can we possibly know if our respiratory system is compromised?

I’ve just come off a virtual physiotherapy consultation with a chap who was really worried because he has a couple of medical problems suddenly come on which could affect his lungs. He’s received very little guidance from the A & E who he wisely telephoned instead of attending. We spent over 20 minutes simply teaching him how to breathe well. Not only to help his current problems, but also to recognise EARLY if something isn’t quite right. Awareness is power to receive the guidance we need.

2. Sleep and movement essentials 

3. Nutritional support for your immune system

4. Anxiety, stress and mindset management

There is so much we can do to optimise our health and know our bodies.

Never before has collective unity and personal responsibility for our health been so important. It’s essential that we all do what we can and take great care of ourselves and those we love the best we can. Not only so we stay well, but so our hospitals are accessible for those in need. We really are all in this together so let’s stay empowered, responsible and proactive as opposed to fearful, in denial or reactive

I do hope you find the training helpful. Here’s where you can watch it:

Want to dive in deeper?

Want to get started with another simple yet powerful technique to get unstuck or out of overwhelm? Access my 3 minute BREATHE WELL audio here and also be the first to know when the next blog is released in our monthly Mind Body Wise newsletter.


Sally Dibden is a Health, Life and Performance Coach to driven achievers around the globe.  She is the founder of The Wellbeing Consultants™ and HER Space™, a community dedicated to women’s health and performance. She also runs her Physiotherapy and Yoga and Pilates Clinic in France where she lives with her family near Geneva. Sally specialises in supporting and empowering dynamic women to optimise their energy, health, hormones and performance. Her ethos being that optimal success and happiness in whatever leadership role - whether that be as an entrepreneur, busy professional or executive, teacher or parent, comes from optimal holistic health. Sally has worked with thousands of patients and clients over her 25 year career as a therapist and understands the tendency of high achievers to stretch themselves. She helps her clients reach their full potential with mind body balance not burnout, enabling them to enjoy and sustain their energy for all their ambitious goals.

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