A simple sustainable strategy to help get back on track with your passion projects, without getting overwhelmed - again.

A new year. A fresh start. What's new or next for you this term?

Headspace to actually consider what's ahead?  Time to focus on a new work opportunity or business idea? 

A commitment to a new gym or eating routine?  Maybe delving deeper into a healing journey or embracing a new idea that fuels your soul?

In true European style, I took much of July and August off work this year and thoroughly enjoyed long lazy lunches, sun drenched Greek adventures and pottering around at home with our teens. By September I was raring to go passion projects!

Whilst it’s great to harness the energy of the change in season, if you’re anything like many of the driven women I see, you might have a tendency to take on a few too many projects, only to find yourself off track or worn out before the end of the month.

Hence before excitedly speeding off, do take a moment to ensure you are actually heading in the right direction FIRST!

This is especially true if you’re juggling several balls - from work and parenting, to health and relationships therefore have huge demands on your time. Whilst it can seem counter intuitive to slow down the start, it can pay dividends to take this moment to set up and save you considerable precious time, energy and money

The first stage is checking you’re aligned with the direction you’re heading off in. If you aren’t, it’s a sure way to get burnt out because we waste energy on ventures which simply aren’t aligned with our souls desires and needs.

5 questions to ask BEFORE you set off on the next project:

1. With project X in mind, ask yourself, am I clear what's next?

2. Am I sure that when I do / have / complete this project that it will give me the satisfaction and fulfilment I desire? 

3. Am I sure I’m on the right path?

4. How well do I really know myself?

5. What will truly make me feel happy, healthy and fulfilled?

Once you have a reasonable amount of clarity on the above, here’s the 3 step simple success strategy to kickstart the project:

  1. Check how it FEELS. Does it feel right / exciting, albeit a little scary? Great! If it feels ‘off’ then check back in with the above - your intuition usually knows. The project might not need completely abandoning, just tweaks to make it even more aligned. Once you’re aligned, you’re off and straight onto the next step.

  2. Take INSPIRED ACTION immediately. This can be a phone call, an email, an announcement, whatever makes sense to start the ball rolling.

  3. Map out a written PLAN. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on google calendar, in a written diary or on a blank piece of paper but it’s important to have a time frame and to have it written down, not just in your head! One important tip here - plan in extra buffer time for curve balls. We all know challenges arrive in a multitude of ways - from sudden illness or childcare / staffing issues to technology letting you down, hence it’s essential to plan in time buffers for these so you aren’t thrown off at the first minor hurdle.

The great thing is, the above process is repeatable, plus it can be adapted to take 10 minutes or a whole day depending if you’re setting up your whole month, or just checking in at the beginning or end of each week. Plus you can fine tune the process with your own best questions too.

Whatever project or projects you’re setting off with this September may it fuel your soul and you enjoy the journey.

However, if you already feel like you’ve been sent a curveball or are stuck, stay tuned for the next blog as I've noticed a very common pattern. I find a large proportion of the clients and patients I see with chronic health symptoms - from anxiety and chronic pain, to autoimmune conditions, infertility or unwanted weight, are either STUCK or OVERWHELMED in their body or life. Hence, they quickly get pushed off track, even when they have a great plan and intentions. The great news is there are absolutely ways to get physically, emotionally and mentally unstuck and it’s essential that we do for our longterm health and happiness.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

- Confucius

Want to get started with another simple yet powerful technique to get unstuck or out of overwhelm? Access my 3 minute BREATHE WELL audio here and also be the first to know when the next blog is released in our monthly Mind Body Wise newsletter.

Ready to dive in deeper? I can help support your health, happiness or performance in various ways. A private online coaching or consulting session such as The Energy Reset can be a fabulous place to start to realign or get unstuck.


Sally Dibden is a Health, Life and Performance Coach to driven achievers around the globe.  She is the founder of The Wellbeing Consultants™ and HER Space™, a community dedicated to women’s health and performance. She also runs her Physiotherapy and Yoga and Pilates Clinic in France where she lives with her family near Geneva. Sally specialises in supporting and empowering dynamic women to optimise their energy, health, hormones and performance. Her ethos being that optimal success and happiness in whatever leadership role - whether that be as an entrepreneur, busy professional or executive, teacher or parent, comes from optimal holistic health. Sally has worked with thousands of patients and clients over her 25 year career as a therapist and understands the tendency of high achievers to stretch themselves. She helps her clients reach their full potential with mind body balance not burnout, enabling them to enjoy and sustain their energy for all their ambitious goals.
