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5 ways to optimise your relationship with time


5 ways to optimise your relationship with time

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. The same 365 days in the year. So why is it that some people seem to do so much of value and feel satisfied with their use of it, whilst others seem to waste it?

This Podcast episode shares a simple acronym with 5 steps to help increase your awareness and optimise your relationship with time.


The Hidden Cost of Burnout in Female Leaders


The Hidden Cost of Burnout in Female Leaders

I hope some of the International Women's Day messages sparked your interest and imagination around embracing equity. I believe we'd be living a very different experience if we had more healthy female leaders running it, don't you? 


An end of year review to release stress, pain and anxiety

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An end of year review to release stress, pain and anxiety

How did 2022 work out for you?

Did you accomplish all you set out to at the beginning of the year?

If you haven't yet had 5 minutes to spare to consider this question, I'd strongly recommend you find it. In fact an hour would be even better. I believe this is an essential process whoever you are and whatever you do. I call it a Reflect, Review and Release (RRR) process.

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Navigating perimenopause, menopause and beyond

Perimenopause can hit much earlier than women might expect and menopause can bring challenges we’d prefer not to have. Furthermore, so many women are confused by their symptoms and misunderstood by those around them - who can think they’re going crazy as they navigate the fatigue and fluctuations.



The Critical Importance of Breathing Well

Let’s imagine there was a totally free drug, that was available anytime, any place, and had no undesirable side effects.

A drug that could relieve pain, calm stress, help maintain an ideal weight and hormone balance, as well as optimise digestion and significantly improve cardiovascular health. Not only all of that but could also support you and your loved ones to sleep well and perform at their best at work, school or in sport.


3 ways to embrace body positivity and self acceptance

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3 ways to embrace body positivity and self acceptance

If you’ve ever believed that you or your body aren’t good enough in any way then rest assured you are not alone. Remember it’s a multi billion dollar industry constantly at work in our magazines, websites and social media feeds depending on these beliefs that we need to be any different to who we already are.

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10 Cold Water Swimming Tips for Beginners


10 Cold Water Swimming Tips for Beginners

If you haven’t yet tried plunging into cold water, maybe you’ve wondered what the fuss is all about. No doubt you’ve seen the enthusiasts rave about it, but you aren’t quite convinced. Or you recognise the benefits, but just aren’t quite feeling it for yourself quite yet.