I have deep conversations with super smart women most days and here's what I hear: 

We want to feel valued, not taken for granted.
We want to feel confident, not unworthy. 
We want to feel healthy, fit and ALIVE. 


  • Why do we stay addicted to a whole host of destructive patterns like being over busy, working too much, over giving to our kids / others, over exercising or over indulging etc, when it pushes our bodies into exhaustion?

  • Why do we accept low confidence, energy slumps, sleep disturbances, hormone issues, weight gain, pain and other symptoms as 'normal' signs of ageing when they don't have to be? 

  • Why don't we always do what we know we 'could' do to stay on great form or nurture our important relationships?


Essentially why do we sacrifice our health, happiness and dreams, albeit subconsciously at times? 

Having worked with thousands of patients and clients, it's usually pretty straightforward to help smart women move, eat and sleep optimally.

However the deeper work, the mindset and emotional mastery, the self acceptance and self worth, navigating life's transitions and relationships is where extra support is often required.  

Not everyone is willing to take this journey to a deeper knowing. 

I understand, it can feel confronting to dive within. It can feel MUCH easier to stay stuck as opposed to shifting what needs to be moved. Indeed, it's our primitive brain's job to keep us 'safe'!

However in my experience it's where there is immense opportunity for change and growth. It's also where deep healing and transformation occurs.  The huge bonus being that the apparent hormone, energy, weight, relationship and financial issues often melt away or take a back seat as we realign our lives with our inner selves. 

If you would love support you to help heal, grow, align and thrive through these uncertain times, then it's well worth checking out our "Hormone and Energy Reset". HER™ is a kickstart, a detox and journey within. A unique private and group online coaching experience especially for women. We kick off with our new intake for HER in January and you can find all the details HERE.

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