The Wellbeing Consultants

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How to fuel your year, without messing up your metabolism

How to fuel your year, without messing up your metabolism

In my experience women rarely need ridiculously gruelling diets and exercise programmes to feel, look and perform at their best, especially as they head into their forties and beyond. But they DO need to master their relationship with their body and time, as well as their minds and emotions, if they want to create energy to fuel their year WITHOUT burning out or messing up their metabolism.

Most women I speak to want great energy and health to enable them to age well and enjoy an active life with a great health span, as opposed to a long lifespan, riddled will ill health and over dependant on others. So whilst I find perfect work-life balance is somewhat of a myth in the midlife years, I know that if the mind and body aren't in harmony, you’ll start to know about it. Maybe you already do? 

Challenges can start quietly, especially a few weeks after sprinting off on a new diet, or an over-exertive exercise programme. Or with a promotion / business project or caring for a sick family member. Especially if you have a tendency to over-commit and often find yourself in cycles of exhaustion and overwhelm, fueled by stimulants - enter the sugar, coffee and wine!

Gradually, particularly after their mid-thirties when hormones start to shift with perimenopause, women often find an array of issues creep upon them.

This can include:

  • Exhaustion.

  • Anxiety / mood changes.

  • Recurrent viruses or slow-to-heal injuries.

  • Chronic pain - especially headaches, back pain or other joint pain.

  • Hormone havoc such as perimenopause challenges or PMT.

  • A sluggish metabolism.

  • Autoimmune conditions.

  • Weight gain / gut issues.

These might all seem unrelated, in my experience, they’re invariably connected - the body is desperately trying to communicate with us!

Stress is one of the biggest reasons I see for women not feeling the way they want to feel. When we’re over-busy or over-stressed, we resort to all the things we know not to do - ie. we eat or drink the wrong stuff, we have poor sleep and all those other habits which play havoc with our hormones. 

Women often don’t even realise their bodies are stressed or out of balance, because they have been functioning at the speed they do for so long, it’s become their normal.

Except none of the above challenges are normal, even if all your friends are struggling with the same issues, chances are their bodies are under too much pressure too! The longer the body and mind stays under chronic stress, the more chronic inflammation kicks in and the problems that come with that become more challenging to get to the route of. However it’s NEVER too late to reset the body and mind, that’s the most powerful way to start the year I find.

To your fabulous health and energy this year and way beyond!

Ready to dive deeper?

Join me for my FREE Hormone & Energy Masterclass where you can start your journey to enjoying the vibrant health and energy you need to rock your goals - WITHOUT burning out or messing up your metabolism along the way.


Sally Dibden is a Health, Life and Performance Coach to driven achievers around the globe.  She is the founder of The Wellbeing Consultants™ and HER Space™, a community dedicated to women’s health and performance. She also runs her Physiotherapy and Yogalates Clinic in France where she lives with her family.  Sally specialises in supporting and empowering dynamic leaders to optimise their energy, health, hormones and performance. Her ethos being that optimal success and happiness in whatever leadership role - whether that be as an entrepreneur, busy professional or executive, teacher or parent, comes from optimal holistic health. Sally has worked with thousands of patients and clients over her 25 year career and understands the tendency of high achievers to stretch themselves. She hence helps her clients reach their potential with balance not burnout, enabling them to enjoy and sustain their ambitious goals with hormone, body, mind and life balance.

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