Having listened closely to the journeys behind these incredible human performances, here are 5 learnings that many of us could take and apply to our own aspirations and lives.
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Mindset matters
I’d never really thought about how hormone balance might be disrupted by concussion, but after the accident my hormones went into havoc! I started to connect some dots and do a little research and discovered the five main ways concussions (and likely many other stressors) can affect hormone balance, especially during perimenopause and early menopause:
A New Year, a fresh start. New intentions and a surge of energy - New Year Resolutions begin with such great hope. It’s great to have clarity on a handful of goals for the year ahead whether that’s to lose weight, reduce stress and anxiety or be marathon fit. Yet just a few days into the new year and it’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed with all there is to do…
Do you ever have an urge to get away from it ALL? From the planning, the responsibilities or relentless rhythm? Like your head is going to burst if you fill it with anyone or anything else.
Whether you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, feel a need to reset or have a boost of inspiration, an environmental cure might be exactly what you need. And it might not be as complicated or expensive as we might think.
Welcome to episode ONE!
I’m excited to share this space with you and explore what I describe as the 5 H’s - health, happiness, hormones, healing and high performance, which are the 5 main areas I specialise in.
From our podcast name you’ve perhaps gathered that we’ll explore the Mind-Body connection and that’s what this first episode is all about.
This video was recorded in support of World Menopause Awareness Day 2021, I think it's a really important topic for all to understand. Yet in my personal and professional experience, it’s a really confusing and misunderstood one.
Peri-menopause was a topic that in my mid thirties would not have captured my attention.
If you haven’t yet tried plunging into cold water, maybe you’ve wondered what the fuss is all about. No doubt you’ve seen the enthusiasts rave about it, but you aren’t quite convinced. Or you recognise the benefits, but just aren’t quite feeling it for yourself quite yet.
There are things in life that no one really teaches you. Like how your body can suddenly feel like it’s letting you down. Like how you can feel like your brain is working at half speed much of the time by the time you hit your mid thirties. There are many things my wiser self wishes my younger self had known about perimenopause. Here’s 3 things I wish I’d know to look out for as I headed into my thirties.
I have deep conversations with super smart women most days and here's what I hear:
We want to feel valued, not taken for granted.
We want to feel confident, not unworthy.
We want to feel healthy, fit and ALIVE.
Just a few short weeks ago the idea of working from home, with a few less commitments, may have sounded like an ideal solution to restoring the elusive work / life balance for many. No commute, freedom to exercise and eat when you want, see the kids more. More TIME.
With so many questions from worried patients, clients, those in our community, friends and family this week I ran a content packed free training about the absolute priorities to breathe well and stay well through this chaos and uncertain time and I thought you might like to see it too.
Here's what the video training covered…
How quickly life can change. As both France and Switzerland closed their schools this week for the foreseeable future, many of us in Europe entered the world of working from home and homeschooling.
I'm thankful they've decided to take these measures.
A new school year. A fresh start. Do you ever wish you could clear the slate and start again with the excited newness of what's to come? Out with the old, in with the new.
As I saw my kids off to start their new school year this week I shared their new term mixed feelings. Sadness that the endless summer holiday has drawn to a close and that an alarm need be set. A sense of excitement of new beginnings. Mostly of hope, sprinkled with a touch of apprehension about the unknown.
Then once they were off it was back to ME! The projects I've been excited to launch can finally regain momentum.
So what's new for you with these September vibes? Headspace to actually consider what's ahead? Time to focus on a new work opportunity or on a business idea? A commitment to a new gym or eating routine? Maybe even embracing an exciting new idea, to enable you to grow, dive deeper into your soul and allow you to feel the sense of fulfilment you've been seeking.
Change and movement are life.
Stagnant is restrictive, slow, dull.
Sometimes it's very clear what we need and want to do. Other times not so much. Or, we may have grand ideas but they just seem unrealistic or we don't know where to start. So often we don't do anything. We get stuck. Especially when we are time short or thoroughly exhausted.
Are you clear what's next for you?
Are you sure that when you do / have / or feel the ‘next thing’ that it will give you the satisfaction you desire?
Are you sure you’re on the right path?
If not it's worth checking in with yourself.
How well do you really know yourself and what will truly make you feel happy, healthy and fulfilled?
Are you getting in your own way?
Are you resisting change?
These limitations aren't always conscious resistance.
Sometimes it seems there really is no way out of the situation but actually, when you re-frame or are able to see things differently, there are possibilities galore. When in a frustrating or restricting situation, it might be worth asking yourself a few good questions such as...What might work? How could I try doing this differently? How do I want to feel about this? Our answers can be rather revealing and from there it can be much easier to take inspired action than reminding ourselves that we 'don't know' or 'can't do'.
As I say to my patients and clients often, just take one baby step forward at a time.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius
So I do hope this change of season goes well for you, your projects gain momentum and you feel exactly the way you desire.
If you'd like more guidance to help increase your clarity, sense of purpose and wellbeing, I'd be delighted to share a simple technique I use with my clients and patients to help get out of overwhelm and into clarity and flow. I share a short guided breathing technique designed to quickly calm the mind and find a grounded place within from which it’s easier to make decisions and know where to focus. You can access the 3 minute BREATHE WELL audio HERE.
Sally Dibden is a Health, Life and Performance Coach to driven achievers around the globe. She is the founder of The Wellbeing Consultants™ and HER Space™, a community dedicated to women’s health and performance. She also runs her Physiotherapy and Yoga and Pilates Clinic in France where she lives with her family near Geneva. Sally specialises in supporting and empowering dynamic women to optimise their energy, health, hormones and performance. Her ethos being that optimal success and happiness in whatever leadership role - whether that be as an entrepreneur, busy professional or executive, teacher or parent, comes from optimal holistic health. Sally has worked with thousands of patients and clients over her 25 year career as a therapist and understands the tendency of high achievers to stretch themselves. She helps her clients reach their potential with mind body balance not burnout, enabling them to enjoy and sustain their energy for all their ambitious goals.